Ecclesiastes 5:4-5
“When you make a vow to God, do not delay to pay it;
For He has no pleasure in fools.
Pay what you have vowed—
Better not to vow than to vow and not pay.”
Die Gelofte in Afrkaans:
Hier staan ons voor die Heilige God van hemel en aarde om ‘n gelofte aan Hom te doen, dat, as Hy ons sal beskerm en ons vyand in ons hand sal gee, ons die dag en datum elke jaar as ‘n dankdag soos ‘n Sabbat tot sy eer sal deurbring, en dat ons ‘n huis tot Sy eer sal oprig waar dit Hom behaag, en dat ons ook aan ons kinders sal sê dat hulle met ons daarin moet deel tot nagedagtenis ook vir die opkomende geslagte. Want die eer van Sy naam sal verheerlik word deur die roem en die eer van oorwinning aan Hom te gee.
Gelofte 1838

Die Gelofte in Nederlands:
Mijne Broeders en Mede-landgenoten, hier staan wij tans op een ogenblik voor een heilige God van Hemel en aarde om een belofte aan Hem te beloven, als Hij met Zijn bescherming met ons zal wezen, en onze handen zal geven dat wij hem overwinnen, dat wij die dag en datum elk jaar als en verjaardag en een dankdag zoals een Sabbat in Zijn eer zullen doorbrengen; en dat wij een tempel to Zijn eer stichten zullen, waar het Hem zou behagen; end dat wij het ook aan onzen kinderen zullen zeggen, dat zij met ons erin moeten delen, tot gedachtenis ook voor onze opkomende geslachten. Want de ere van Zijn Naam daardoor zal verheelikt worden, dat de roem en eer van overwinning aan Hem zal worden gegeven.
Gelofte 1838
De Gelofte in English:
We stand here before the Holy God of heaven and earth, to make a vow to Him that, if He will protect us and give our enemy into our hand, we shall keep this day and date every year as a day of thanksgiving like a sabbath, and that we shall build a house to His honour wherever it should please Him, and that we will also tell our children that they should share in that with us in memory for future generations. For the honour of His name will be glorified by giving Him the fame and honour for the victory.
The Vow 1838

The Zulu could not destroy us, the English nearly caused a Boere Genocide during the 2nd Anglo-Boer War (With their Concentration camps.) The Evil spirits of the Evil realm invaded their human host and embedded into the Zulu, could not destroy God’s people of Africa (Ref: Eph6).

British Concentration Camps 1902 Anglo Boer War South Africa

The Boer people! Today, the Evil realm embodies masses of racist natives (Not all as the Majority of Christian Natives stand with us) and coming Goc and Magoc from the far North will attack and, try and destroy the Boers. But God will destroy them the day they attack the Apple of God’s eye Israel, as per Ez 38 and 39. Where Israel will take 7 months to bury the dead of the enemies. So, I believe God will do for His Gentile Christian Gelofte upholder Afrikaner Boer.
Just like they tried to destroy the apple of God’s eye Israel over the last 4000 years, today and in the coming future. We are the future of Christianity of Africa and freedom for all Africans will come in the future through God’s gentile Boer people (We want peace, love prosperity and hope for all God people. Figtree or Olive branch). Followers and, builders of Christ’s Kingdom, Prosperity only belongs to God.
I firmly believe, that as we start to see the build-up of World War 3; the Boers will have a safe place for Christians of Europe to flee to (God is already at work in prepping some of us). Just like God during the Great Tribulation; will have a safe place in the Desert for a 1/3 for The apple of His Eye “Jacob” (Israel). So, is He the Almighty creating leaders, plans, and survival for the Boer people in Africa?
On this day, All Glory, Thanks Giving and Praise to The Lord Almighty. Through His Son’s Blood, we are saved and guided to His plan through His Holy Spirit.
Jeremaia 29:11 is a promise from God to His people of Israel and Promise to the Gentile Boer nations. We can write on the Table of their Hearts!
“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Today, Bless Every Boer Follower of Christ Jesus so the Boers can stand as a nation. Just like God united Israel on 7 October 2023.
Like God Commanded Moses in:
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying: “Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, ‘This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel. Say to them:
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” ’
“So they shall put My name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them.”
If you want an Afrikaner Boer to be Blessed today; say to every Boere Afrikaner:
Number 6:22 – 27
“The Lord bless you and keep you;
To Every Boer
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”
Do this “So they shall put My name on the children of The Afrikaner Boer, and I will bless them.”
This Promise of the Vow made on 16 December 1838, was the birth of Church a Boer States. Which over time became, The Orange Freestate, The Zuid Afrikanse Republiek, 2 English Colonies (Natal and Cape), and then the Union of South Africa in 1910; which took us to 31 May 1961 the establishment of the Republic Of South Africa.
On this day 16 December 2023, I pray, bless and call on the Name of The Lord my God. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. To Shine His Face once again on the Boer Nation, to not just save us or lead us or to give us hope. He promised that He gave it to us already for Generations of the Boer Nation.
But to make the Boer Nation, repent of their sin!!!!
Two-faced, money-loving, self-obsessed, blaspheming, lovers of religious activity but haters of God. Religious twists based, on their own beliefs, created 100’s of thousands of man-made money-grabbing churches and not a United Church as True Believers in Christ based on “Die Gelofte”.
repent of their sin
Lover of Kippies and Coke, sports like rugby Idolators, proud and boastful, fascist, haters of the Apple of God’s eye, corruption bathers, new age and witchcraft, tattoo (graffiti monsters), foul mouths, fornicators, homosexual lust. Not knowing the Word of God denies your history. Masses of the Boer nation fell away from God, trusting them-self’s more.
However, I Thank and Praise God that there are some of us Boer people, still to this day, Praising Him and giving Him Glory for what He has done for us over our history, by us upholding “Die Gelofte” so that we still have Hope in this life on earth and have a place in the coming of the New Jerusalem!
n Geseende Gelofte Dag vir elke Christlike gelofte vierende Afrikaner Boer wat vry gekoop is deur die Bloed van ons Redder Jesus Christus! Gaan uit verkondig Jesus aan die weg gewalle Boer Afrikaners en die nasies om die Gelofte van 16 Desember 1838 terug te bring as HOOP vir ons kinders.
Here is a great video and fantastic content creator of History around South Africa follow Joshua Wolvaardt (
Boere Media Wa-Laer – Geloftedag uitsending regstreeks vanaf Bloedrivier