List of commonly used NMAP COMMANDS!!

Reconnaissance for an Ethical Hacker.
Reconnaissance for an Ethical Hacker.

List of commonly used NMAP COMMANDS!!

Section: “Perform Host Discovery using Nmap – Is the Host UP/Down”

Nmap CommandDescription
nmap -sn -PR [Target IP Address]Performs host discovery using ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) requests; only works on local networks.
nmap -sn -PU [Target IP Address]Sends a UDP (User Datagram Protocol) packet to the target host(s) to check if they are up or down.
nmap -sn -PE [Target IP Address]Sends ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) echo requests (pings) to the target host(s).
nmap -sn -PP [target IP address]Sends ICMP timestamp requests to the target host(s) to determine if they are up or down.
nmap -sn -PM [target IP address]Sends ICMP address mask requests to the target host(s) to determine if they are up or down.
nmap -sn -PS [target IP address]Sends TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) SYN (synchronize) packets to the target host(s).
nmap -sn -PA [target IP address]Sends TCP ACK (acknowledge) packets to the target host(s) to determine if they are up or down.

Section: “Explore Various Network Scanning Techniques using Nmap”

Nmap CommandDescription
nmap -sT -v [Target IP Address]Performs a TCP connect scan, which establishes a full TCP connection with the target host(s).
nmap -sS -v [Target IP Address]Performs a stealth SYN scan, which sends TCP SYN packets to the target host(s) without completing the connection.
nmap -sX -v [Target IP Address]Performs an Xmas scan, which sends TCP packets with FIN, URG, and PSH flags set to the target host(s).
nmap -sM -v [Target IP Address]Performs a Maimon scan, which sends TCP FIN/ACK packets to the target host(s).
nmap -sA -v [Target IP Address]Performs a TCP ACK scan, which checks for open, filtered, or closed ports on the target host(s).
nmap -sU -v [Target IP Address]Performs a UDP (User Datagram Protocol) scan to discover open UDP ports on the target host(s).
nmap -sI -v [target IP address]Performs an idle scan, which uses a zombie host to probe the target host(s) to avoid detection.
nmap -sY -v [target IP address]Performs a SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) INIT scan to discover open SCTP ports.
nmap -sZ -v [target IP address]Performs a SCTP COOKIE ECHO scan to discover open SCTP ports.
nmap -A [Target Subnet]Performs an aggressive scan, which includes OS, version, script scanning, and traceroute.

Section: “Perform OS Discovery using Nmap Script Engine (NSE)”

Nmap CommandDescription
nmap -A [Target IP Address]Performs an aggressive scan, which includes OS, version, script scanning, and traceroute.
nmap -O [Target IP Address]Performs OS detection based on responses to various probes.

Section: “Scan beyond IDS/Firewall using various Evasion Techniques”

Nmap CommandDescription
nmap -f [Target IP Address]Performs a scan with fragmented IP packets to evade IDS (Intrusion Detection Systems) and firewalls.
nmap -g 80 [Target IP Address]Uses a source port of 80 (typically associated with HTTP traffic) to make the scan less suspicious.
nmap -mtu 8 [Target IP Address]Sets a custom maximum transmission unit (MTU) size for the scan.
nmap -D RND:10 [Target IP Address]Creates decoy scans to make it difficult for the target to identify the real scanning IP address.

Section: “Create Custom Packets using Nmap to Scan beyond IDS/Firewall”

Nmap CommandDescription
nmap [Target IP Address] –data 0xdeadbeefAdds custom hexadecimal data to the packets sent during the scan.
nmap [Target IP Address] –data-string “Ph34r my l33t skills”Adds a custom data string to the packets sent during the scan.
nmap –data-length 5 [Target IP Address]Sets the length of the payload in the packets sent during the scan.
nmap –randomize-hosts [Target IP Address]Randomizes the order in which hosts are scanned to avoid detection.
nmap –badsum [Target IP Address]Generates incorrect checksums for the packets sent during the scan to evade IDS and firewalls.

Section: “Additional Nmap Scanning Techniques and Options”

Nmap CommandDescription
nmap -p- [Target IP Address]Scans all 65535 ports on the target host(s).
nmap -p 1-65535 [Target IP Address]Scans a specific range of ports (in this case, all of them) on the target host(s).
nmap -p U:53,111,137,T:21-25,80,139,8080 [Target IP Address]Scans specific UDP and TCP ports on the target host(s).
nmap -sV [Target IP Address]Performs service version detection on the target host(s).
nmap –top-ports 10 [Target IP Address]Scans the top 10 most common ports on the target host(s).
nmap –open [Target IP Address]Only shows open ports in the scan results.
nmap –script vuln [Target IP Address]Executes NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) scripts related to vulnerability detection.
nmap –script smb-enum-shares.nse [Target IP Address]Executes the smb-enum-shares.nse script to enumerate SMB shares on the target host(s).
nmap -6 [IPv6 Target Address]Scans an IPv6 address instead of an IPv4 address.
nmap -T4 [Target IP Address]Sets the scan speed to “T4” (aggressive); options range from T0 (paranoid) to T5 (insane).

Section: “Nmap Output and Timing Options”

Nmap CommandDescription
nmap -oN output.txt [Target IP Address]Saves the scan results in a normal human-readable format to a file named “output.txt”.
nmap -oX output.xml [Target IP Address]Saves the scan results in an XML format to a file named “output.xml”, suitable for further processing.
nmap -oG output.gnmap [Target IP Address]Saves the scan results in a grepable format to a file named “output.gnmap”.
nmap -oA output [Target IP Address]Saves the scan results in all three formats (normal, XML, and grepable) with the base filename “output”.
nmap –stats-every 10s [Target IP Address]Displays periodic timing and statistical updates every 10 seconds during the scan.
nmap –max-retries 2 [Target IP Address]Sets the maximum number of retransmissions for each probe to 2 (default is 10).
nmap –host-timeout 30m [Target IP Address]Sets a timeout of 30 minutes per host, after which Nmap will move on to the next host.
nmap –min-rate 100 [Target IP Address]Sets a minimum sending rate of 100 packets per second to speed up the scan.
nmap –max-rate 1000 [Target IP Address]Limits the maximum sending rate to 1000 packets per second to avoid overwhelming the network.

Section: “Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE) and Script Categories”

Nmap CommandDescription
nmap –script default [Target IP Address]Runs the default set of NSE scripts, which are considered safe and useful for most scans.
nmap –script safe [Target IP Address]Runs NSE scripts that are considered safe and unlikely to cause any issues on the target host(s).
nmap –script discovery [Target IP Address]Runs NSE scripts that focus on host discovery and gathering additional information.
nmap –script auth [Target IP Address]Runs NSE scripts that check for authentication-related vulnerabilities or weaknesses.
nmap –script broadcast [Target IP Address]Runs NSE scripts that send broadcast probes to discover hosts and services on the network.
nmap –script brute [Target IP Address]Runs NSE scripts that perform brute-force attacks against various services and protocols.
nmap –script exploit [Target IP Address]Runs NSE scripts that attempt to exploit known vulnerabilities on the target host(s).
nmap –script external [Target IP Address]Runs NSE scripts that rely on third-party services or databases to gather information.
nmap –script fuzzer [Target IP Address]Runs NSE scripts that use fuzzing techniques to discover vulnerabilities in the target host(s).
nmap –script intrusive [Target IP Address]Runs NSE scripts that are considered intrusive and may cause issues on the target host(s).
nmap –script malware [Target IP Address]Runs NSE scripts that detect malware or signs of a compromised system on the target host(s).
nmap –script all [Target IP Address]Runs all available NSE scripts, including intrusive ones (use with caution).