Unveiling Cross-Site Scripting: A Persistent Threat in Web Security
Unveiling Cross-Site Scripting: A Persistent Threat in Web Security

Unveiling Cross-Site Scripting: A Persistent Threat in Web Security

Learn about Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), a common web security vulnerability that can lead to data theft and malware spread. This article covers XSS types and prevention measures, as well as real-world examples of attacks. Protect your website with input validation, output encoding, Content Security Policy (CSP), and HTTPS.

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Exploring API Testing in Bug Bounty Programs
Exploring API Testing in Bug Bounty Programs

Exploring API Testing in Bug Bounty Programs

Bug Bounty programs incentivize ethical hackers to identify and report security flaws. This article explores the benefits and challenges of API Testing in these programs and provides best practices for effective implementation. API Testing can increase coverage, improve security, reduce costs, and encourage collaboration between developers and security professionals. However, companies need to be aware of challenges such as complexity, security, and scalability and follow best practices to effectively implement API Testing in Bug Bounty programs.

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